Beyonce, Paltrow and lemons?
What do Gwenth Paltrow and Beyonce swear by as their morning tonic? Warm water with lemons. The Master Cleanse Diet popular in the 1940s involves drinking gallons of lemon water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This extreme fast, was introduced as a weight loss method by health and nutritionist Stanley Burroughs.
The cleanse involves only drinking this mix for 10 days.
The only carbohydrate source in this diet is from the maple syrup, and the cleanse comes purely from the lemon juice. Apparently the celebrities Angelina Jolie and Madonna have adopted this fairly draconian lemonade method. This fad diet, for weight loss or body cleansing, symbolizes the power of the lemon.
Lemons have been recognized for their medicinal value dating back to Romans. Research studies at the preclinical trial level (in test tubes and mice studies) do confirm that extracts of lemon peel have anti tumor activities, and fat burning potential.
The peel of the lemon has been demonstrated to have higher nutrients than the juice itself and may be a better option if you want to avoid any injury to tooth enamel.
So the next time you're about to throw out the rind or "bin it" as they say in the UK, freeze it, and then grate it onto anything and everything to get your daily detox. This method is less severe than the Master Cleanse, and you'll reap all the benefits hidden within the lemon peel. Home Chef Holly has a creative recipe that will add even more beneficial lemons flavenoids into your diet.
Beyonce, Paltrow and lemons?
What do Gwenth Paltrow and Beyonce swear by as their morning tonic? Warm water with lemons. The Master Cleanse Diet popular in the 1940s involves drinking gallons of lemon water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This extreme fast, was introduced as a weight loss method by health and nutritionist Stanley Burroughs. The cleanse involves only drinking this mix for 10 days. The only carbohydrate source in this diet is from the maple syrup, and the cleanse comes purely from the lemon juice. Apparently the celebrities Angelina Jolie and Madonna have adopted this fairly draconian lemonade method. This fad diet, for weight loss or body cleansing, symbolizes the power of the lemon. Lemons have been recognized for their medicinal value dating back to Romans. Research studies at the preclinical trial level (in test tubes and mice studies) do confirm that extracts of lemon peel have anti tumor activities, and fat burning potential. The peel of the lemon has been demonstrated to have higher nutrients than the juice itself and may be a better option if you want to avoid any injury to tooth enamel. So the next time you're about to throw out the rind or "bin it" as they say in the UK, freeze it, and then grate it onto anything and everything to get your daily detox. This method is less severe than the Master Cleanse, and you'll reap all the benefits hidden within the lemon peel. Home Chef Holly has a creative recipe that will add even more beneficial lemons flavenoids into your diet.
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