The only way to a successful juice cleanse, is to add vodka. That’s right, and that’s exactly what you get when you combine tomato juice with the delightful distillation of fermented potatoes. It has been called “the world’s most complex cocktail.” While not to be confused by legends of childhood fairytales of chanting in a dark room in front of the mirror, the Bloody Mary has been known to cure hallucinations, rather than cause them. Also revered as the infamous “hair of the dog” drink, variations of the Bloody Mary have become increasingly sophisticated over the years. From the traditional vodka Bloody Mary, to the Bloody Beer, and the Bloody Maria, its name has expanded to include almost every variety of distilled delight.
With a plethora of varying ingredients and garnishes, the traditional Bloody Mary has since exceeded even my greatest expectations. As I continue to indulge and search for the worlds “best” Bloody Mary, it is out of the kitchen of a very dear friend Daniel, that I find this perfectly chilled Bloody Mary my favorite. As a result, here is my all-time favorite Bloody Mary recipe, The Cucumbery Bloody Delight: Muddle 1/2 lemon wedge and 6 slices of cucumber in a pitcher. Add tomato juice, vodka, lemon, horseradish, pinch of salt and black pepper, & chopped dill. Micro-plane or finely chop a wedge of a red onion, and add with a few dashes of hot sauce. Shake and pour into 4 glasses. Garnish to taste.CUCUMBER BLOODY MARY
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