
The bees knees on honey

The bees knees on honey

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Honey bees no longer live the idyllic honeybee life. Stripped from their natural habitats, they are crated, loaded then dispensed to large industrial production orchards, in order to perform large-scale pollination. Being out of their natural habitat subjects them to stress as well as the risk of being doused with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. A bee’s life is not what it once was, surrounded by their community of wildlife, their preferred plants of pollination, and free of man’s chemicals. Bees that are trucked away to large orchards suffer, while bees that maintain their permanent residence in their natural habitat stay safe and healthy. It is thought that colony collapse may have been compounded by moving bees away from their natural environment, exposing them to chemicals used on industrial orchards. These bees are sickened and weak, and spread disease back to their hives and to their home communities. There is hope, for honey consumers who wish for honey clear of industrial chemicals and for bee lovers, who root for the bees and their native habitats. There are beekeepers who forgo the offer of big money from big industry, and keep their bees locally. These local bee keepers raise their bees to produce only locally and to pollinate only regionally. They do not rent their bees out to large industrial orchards in faraway places to pollinate the large commercial orchards. These few but select beekeepers maintain happy bees that travel only as far as their wings can carry them, pollinating the local trees and flowers, just as they’ve done through the millenniums. Buy local honey, from beekeepers that keep their bees local, for your health, and the health of your local habitat. Locally, we love Coloma Gold Honey! You can find them at the Sacramento Farmers Market!

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